Parent Coaching
Extensive research supports the parent/caregiver coaching approach during treatment. At The ProAACtive SLP we integrate parent coaching into all of our services and also offer it as a stand-alone service. Not only does parent involvement help your child make progress faster. research also suggests that parents/caregivers who receive coaching tend to be less stressed and the child tends to make faster progress. Using the parent coaching model, we show parents how to integrate techniques into the family’s daily routines that are both developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant for each family. The parent/caregiver has opportunities to practice the strategy during the session so they are confident in using the strategies between sessions. ​
We are also excited to offer two popular parent coaching programs, Hanen's More Than Words® and It Takes Two to Talk®.
Parent Coaching with
More Than Words®
This evidence-based program designed for parents of autistic children ages 5 and under. Hanen More Than Words® provides step-by-step guidance to empower you with the skills to:
Identify what motivates your child to engage and communicate
Engage your child in longer back-and-forth interactions and communication exchanges
Communicate with your child in a way that increases their understanding
Support your child's play skills and understand ways to help your child make friends
Parent Coaching with
It Takes Two to Talk®
This evidence-based program is designed for parents of children ages 18 months to 5 years who are experiencing delays in communication. The 10-12 week program will empower you with the tools to support your child's speech and language development by learning:
Practical strategies to support communication during everyday routines and activities
How to engage your child in back and forth communication exchanges, even before he or she can talk
How to identify what motivates your child to communicate
Ways to interact with your child to increase back-and-forth communication